Source: NSW Ministry of Health (RFx118321)
Year: 2018-2019
Title: Aboriginal Allied Health Workforce Pathways Scoping Project
Role: Chief Investigator A; leadership of project, all aspects of design, data collection, analysis and reportage; governance, budget and convening Aboriginal Advisory Group
Team: Dr Megan Williams, Dr Mark Ragg, Prof Nareen Young, Ms Danielle Montgomery, Mr Phil Naden
Source: Lowitja Institute (017-G-034)
Year: 2017-2019
Title: Ngadhuri-nya: Drawing on the NSW Child Development Study to understand effects of intergenerational incarceration
Role: Leadership of project; Dr Tzoumakis on parental leave for two thirds project.
Team: Dr Stacy Tzoumakis, Dr Megan Williams
- Ngadhuri-nya (To care for) | NSW Child Development Study (
- Influences on social, mental and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people | Lowitja Institute
- The Ngadhuri-nya process for engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in data linkage research | Croakey
Source: Legal Aid NSW
Year: 2018
Title: Evaluation of the Civil Law Service for Aboriginal Communities
Role: Chief Investigator A; leadership of project
Team: Dr Megan Williams, Dr Mark Ragg
Source: Australian Research Council (LP140100429)
Year: 2013-2018, extended to mid-2019
Title: Positive Life Pathways for Vulnerable Adolescents, with Ted Noffs Foundation
Role: Chief Investigator F; oversight of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander data analysis, student supervision, writing for publication, Chair of Aboriginal Advisory Committee.
Team: Dr Sally Nathan, Dr Patrick Rawstorne, Professor Andrew Hayen, Dr Joanne Bryant, Professor Eileen Baldry, Dr Megan Williams, Mr Mark Ferry, Dr Marian Shanahan

Read more
- Rapid Review: Reducing homelessness following transition from government services
- Chief Investigator B; focus on prisons and Indigenous peoples, Sax Institute and NSW Family and Community Services 2016, with Dr Elizabeth Conroy. Available at Homeless-at-transition.pdf (
- Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Clinical Academic Group, Sydney Partnerships for Health, Education and Research Enterprise (SPHERE) 2016-2018, with core team Prof Lisa Jackson Pulver, Prof Elizabeth Sullivan, Dr Megan Williams, Ms Sally Fitzpatrick, Dr Rachelle Arkles
- Australian Centre of Research Excellence in Offender Health, NHMRC 2013-2018, Associate Investigator A with Prof Tony Butler, Prof Andrew Lloyd, Assoc Prof Peter Schofield, Mr James Ward, Prof Phillip Mitchell, Dr Jill Guthrie, Prof John Kaldor, Assoc Prof Kimberlie Dean, Dr Georgina Chambers; AIs: Dr Megan Williams, Ms Jocelyn Jones, Mr Michael Doyle, UNSW
- Summative Evaluation of the National Indigenous Critical Response Service, Thirilli Ltd
- 2018-2020, with Human Capital Alliance (International) Pty. Ltd. with Mr Lee Ridoutt, Mr Justin Noel, Ms Carla Cowels, Ms Kate Kelleher, Dr Megan Williams, Ms Debbie Stanford, Ms Darlene Daley
- Living Our Ways Community-driven Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disability research program, NSW Government Family and Community Services 2015-2018, Team Investigator with Dr Scott Avery, Mr Damian Griffis, Prof Joanne Travaglia, Prof Melissa Haswell, Assoc Prof Leanne Dowse, First Peoples Disability Network and UNSW.
- Returning Home, Back to Community from Custodial Care, Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing 2014, with Prof Melissa Haswell, Prof Lisa Jackson Pulver, Assoc Prof Ilse Blignault, UNSW. Available at
- Critical Friends Circle, Learning and Teaching Unit project, 2014, with Ms Sally Fitzpatrick, Assoc Prof Melissa Haswell & Prof Lisa Jackson Pulver, UNSW
- Indigenous Entry Defence Programs Evaluation, Australian Defense Force, 2014-15, with Prof Lisa Jackson Pulver, Prof Melissa Haswell
- Be the Best You Can Be Aboriginal health program, Healing Foundation, and Rio Tinto 2012-14, with Mibbinbah Aboriginal Men’s Health Promotion Charity, Bush Turkey Films and The Republic Production Consultants. More information at Mad Bastards movie
- Connective services: Role of social support post-prison release in an urban Aboriginal population, NHMRC Capacity Building Grant 2011, Chief Investigator, grant from UNSW to UQ. Thesis available at Connective Services: Post-prison release support in an urban Aboriginal population – University of New South Wales (
- Evaluation of the Lotus Glen Indigenous Peer Education Project, Queensland Corrective Services 2007, Chief Investigator, Indigenous Health Unit, UQ
- Guidelines for Hepatitis C Education Targeting Young People, Queensland Health 2003, Queensland Alcohol and Drug Research and Education Centre, UQ
- Hepatitis C Interventions for Young People at Risk of Detention: Action Research Project, Queensland Health 2003, with Ms Gai Lemon, Queensland Alcohol and Drug Research and Education Centre, UQ
- The Box Project – Hepatitis C Health Promotion Research and Education, Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing 2003, Hepatitis C Council of Queensland.
- Evaluation of Logan Youth and Family Services Non-Injecting Routes of Administration Project, Queensland Health 2001, Queensland Alcohol and Drug Research and Education Centre, UQ
- Initiates to Injecting Project, Queensland Health 1997-98, QuIVAA